Happy young man and woman with community paper 2013

Audit Promotion Checklist

Something that is very important for your publication is your readership audit. This helps your advertisers how your readership is and if it is worthwhile to have their advertisement in your publication. The CVC Audit is a huge benefit that you receive as being a MACPA member! Also, once your audit is complete it can be very powerful! If you didn’t know this, CVC actually has some services that are FREE promotion when your audit is completed! Check out what they are below or download the pdf today:

  • Display the CVC logo – CVC will provide you with a CD that contains a variety of CVC logos. Aver your printed audit has been issued, you can run the CVC logo in your publication, and on your rate card and media kit.
  • Get conference call training – Call (800) 262-6392 to schedule training on analyzing your personalized CVC audit report and readership study. Training sessions take 30 minutes, and can be schedule during regular weekly sales meetings.
  • Let us send a Local Audit Promotion – Send CVC 10 pre-addressed mailing labels for potential advertisers in your area. CVC will personalize an audit promotion letter for your publication and send each advertiser a copy of your report. After completing their conference call training, your sales staff should follow up with the recipient of the letter.
  • National Audit Promotion – CVC automatically releases your audit to Standard Rate and Data Service, AdWeek Directories and other national media listing firms. If there is an additional national media directory of particular importance to your publication, call our office to verify CVC is releasing your audit data to them.
  • Regional Audit Promotion – CVC maintains a database of more than 4,900 advertising agencies nationwide.
  • Create In-house Audit Promotion Ads – CVC provides you with sample promotional ads that ran in other publications. Drop your name and logo into an existing ad, or create your own promotions.

It is almost time to start preparing your 2017 audits, it is important, not only for the organization but also for your publication that your complete your audits! Please make sure to take the time to complete yours in full!