Reading the newspaper 2013

Who We Are

The MACPA readers “mirror” the markets they live in as can be seen by the statistics collected by Circulations Verification Council.

• Age : Strength of readership is in the 25-74 year old categories. Readers tend to begin to read our publications when they consider: buying a car, getting married, buying houses, and having children. Our publications draw young people into community interest also into reading free community papers.

• Income: Strength of readership is in the $25,000-$99,000 household income categories. Slight losses in readership appear in $100M-$150M with true looses in readership in the under $25M and over $150M categories.

• Educational Attainment: Strength of readership is in the high school to four-year degree educational attainment segments with measurable losses in less than high school attainment and slight losses in post graduate degree attainment.

[stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”District of Columbia” state=”closed”]Kaggwa Communications
The Washington Informer[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”Maryland” state=”closed”]East County Times
Maryland Pennysaver
The Baltimore Times
The Courior[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”New Jersey” state=”closed”]Hometown Publishing
Life & Leisure
MJ Media LLC
South Jersey Journal
Today’s Shopper, LLC[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”New York” state=”closed”]Fredonia Pennysaver, Inc.
Richner Publications, Inc.[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”Ohio” state=”closed”]Adams Street Publishing
Arens Publications, Inc.
Columbus Messenger Company
Fostoria Focus
Graphics Publications, Inc.
Rural Urban Record
Schaffner Publications, Inc.
The Early Bird
The Key Shoppers’ News, Inc.
Trogdon Publishing, Inc.[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”Pennsylvania” state=”closed”]Bargain Sheet
Buxmont Media, LCC
Carrier Pigeon
Crytzer Associated Companies, Inc.
Delaware County Magazine
Engle Publishing Company
Free Press of Philadelphia
Haniford Enterprises LLC
Hocking Printing Company
Journal Newspapers, Inc.
Kapp Advertising Services, Inc.
Lopez Publications, Inc.
Movin Out
Mulligan Printing Corp.
Penny Power
Pittsburgh Pennysaver
Review Publishing
The Country Print Shop
The Franklin Shopper
The Windsor Press, Inc.
Upper Perk Shoppers Guide, Inc.
Webb Weekly
Weekly Bargain Bulletin[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”Virginia” state=”closed”]Washington Family Magazine[/stag_toggle] [stag_toggle style=”normal” title=”West Virginia” state=”closed”]Panhandle Buyers Guide[/stag_toggle]

See our current CVC addit for complete details.
Download our white sheet for a quick overview of the Association.

Interested in joining MACPA?

If you are a publisher who derives at least 75 percent or more of your publication revenue from free-circulation papers, we’d like to hear from you.
Please review our membership requirements to find out more.

Presidents Hall of Honor

[stag_columns][stag_one_half]1955 -1971
1978-1982 (Fall)
1983 (Spring) – 1986
1986-1988 (Fall)
1988 (Fall) – 1991 (Spring)
1991 (Spring) – 1992

2017-Present[/stag_one_half] [stag_one_half_last]President Unknown
Charley Engle
Don Thwaits
Marge Johnson
George Kapp
Frank Hutchison
Bob Daye
Paul Verna
Steve Hively
Max Oberdorf
Jim Snyder
George Mitten
Rick Heckman
Robert Christian
Jeff Hayden
Seth Isenberg
Randy Miller
Ron Burke
Ruth Isenberg[/stag_one_half_last] [/stag_columns]