online advertising options 2018

Cooler Ads – February Featured Associate Member

Tools to Help You Sell More Print Ads.. Guaranteed!

By Joe Nicastro, CoolerAds

CoolerAds goes back to 1996 when an advertiser of my paper had asked me to drop off a copy of his ads he ran in October (this was August) because he was leaving for Florida and wanted to get his copy in before he left. I forgot to bring them with me when I saw him for his weekly ad copy. He made a comment to me saying ” Can’t you just put my ads online so I can print them myself and give you the changes? That got me thinking and being the web was still in its infancy I never gave it much thought until that moment. I went back to the office and spoke with a tech person and we figured out how to have my print display ads upload to my website (which was very primitive back them) and we did. On top of it I started charging my advertisers a few dollars per week extra and still do today. Thus my first company My Paper Online was  born and evolved to CoolerAds.

What started out as a system to allow display ads to post on your website and give more exposure to them turned into a management system to help sell ads and organize sales reps. The display ads are now archived on our servers for over 3 years, the reps have access to them 24/7 from any device. The advertiser can log in and see only their ads and history.

CoolerAds not only allows you to automatically upload your publications display ads online by category and special sections for your readers to search but also has many other tools. Classified system, proofing system, website builder and tearsheet system are just a few more features.

I use the system and attribute my personal sales to the use of the communications tool within CoolerAds. I use the communication tool for each issue and attribute my higher sales to CoolerAds which is a part of my personal selling tools. I do not have time to go on the road these days so with the help of CoolerAds I am able to out sell all of my reps with each issue due in part to CoolerAds. CoolerAds even allows me to send a mass email to my advertisers and show in the email their ads that ran in the paper or special section so they can see what they ran and reply back with changes.

You can try CoolerAds for 60 days at no cost, no fees and no obligation. You need to experience what CoolerAds can do for your sales. CoolerAds allows you to make money from the day you use it guaranteed or you will not pay us anything ever. Other companies promise that you can make thousands of dollars with their system and then proceed to charge you a monthly fee and set up fees. Not with CoolerAds if you don’t make money you would never pay a dime.

What is better than using a tool that was developed by a publisher who has been publishing community newspapers for almost 30 years and who has other publishers and improves the system based on other publishers inputs and suggestion? Nothing. It is proven to work and help your business. Let’s have a conversation today on how CoolerAds will help your publication without any added people or expenses.

Give me a call on my cell 973-809-4784 or drop me an email