The Franklin Shopper Cover

The Franklin Shopper – Chambersburg, PA

The Franklin Shopper is a free weekly Community Shopper with a print and digital edition featuring classifieds and local and national advertising. Our distribution covers Franklin County PA.

The Franklin Shopper has a weekly print circulation of 40,000 and a digital presence of over 15,000 weekly through a weekly e-mail newsletter, social media, text messaging and a digital edition sent to subscribers.

The Franklin Shopper offers the following Special Section products throughout the year: Business Honor Roll, Medical and Health, Racing Guide, The Golden Years Gazette Senior Publication for Franklin Co PA, Spring Home Improvements Sections, Life on The Farm, Business Card Directory, Franklin Co., Shippensburg Fair Sections, Football Guide, Fall Hunting Section and Christmas Gift Guides.

Digital Advertising includes banner ads on The Franklin Shopper web site,Timely Tips E-newsletter, and social media. We also offer targeted e-mail advertising. Our digital agency 25Penn Marketing offers website development, SEO and social media management.


 Blue Shopper logo blue copy25 Penncraft Avenue
4th Floor Suite 405
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Phone: 717.263.0359
Toll Free: 1.800.486.3060
