Shopping News cover page

Hocking Printing Company – Ephrata, PA

Family owned and operated since 1965, The Shopping News is a fixture in Northern Lancaster County. The Shopping News is an independent, full-tab newspaper, dedicated to publishing local community happenings and events of interest. Our staff works diligently to deliver a quality paper to your doorstep each week! In addition to the award-winning ads and photography featured in our weekly issues, we publish over 15 additional special sections each year that are distributed with our full circulation. Many other special themed pages run within the paper throughout the year, as well as contests, puzzles and other reader-interest items. We also have an extremely robust preprint insert business. We are a CVC audited paper.


37,000 papers weekly

Areas of Coverage

We deliver to the towns of Ephrata, Lititz, New Holland, Stevens, Denver, Reinholds, Terre Hill, Akron, Leola and more.

SN logo 2014 color.inddPO Box 456
615 East Main Street
Ephrata, PA 17522