Author name: Macpa

A new photography movement: Abandoned, but not forgotten

By Colleen Callahan, AloNovus Corp Abandoned, decaying and crumpled, they seemingly hide behind thick, gnarled vines and broken barns. Colorless washboard exteriors blend with all seasons as wind, rain and snow relentlessly whip through shattered windows, doors hanging by the grace of one rusted hinge. These are the homes of a bygone era. Though antiquated,

A new photography movement: Abandoned, but not forgotten Read More »

Lessons of Love

by Andrea Cordle The most difficult thing about having a pet is having to one day say goodbye. For me, that dreaded day came on May 26 when I had to let my beautiful 11-year-old dachshund, Meeko go. Just a few days before his passing, Meeko was fine. He ate breakfast and dinner, performed his

Lessons of Love Read More »